Gabriela Babnik

Gabriela Babnik

Novel: Dry Season 

GABRIELA BABNIK was born in 1979 in Göppingen, Germany. After completing her studies at Ljubljana University, she spent some time in Nigeria before returning to education to graduate with an MA on the modern Nigerian novel. Since 2002, Gabriela has been a regular contributor to all major Slovenian daily and weekly publications. In 2005, Babnik graduated in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory at the University of Ljubljana.

Her first novel Koža iz bombaža (Cotton Skin) was published in 2007 and was awarded the Best Debut Novel by the Union of Slovenian Publishers at the Slovenian Book Fair. In 2009, her second novel V visoki travi (In the Tall Grass) was published, which was shortlisted for the Kresnik Award in 2010.

Babnik lives with her family in Ljubljana.