Selvedin Avdić

Selvedin Avdić

Novel: Seven Terrors

Selvedin Avdić’s first book was a collection of short stories called Tenants and other Phantoms, a tourist guide to the historic Bosnian town of Jajca and a factual account of Zenica prison. His short stories have also appeared in various anthologies and collections and he has also written a biography of his hometown, Zenica, entitled My Factory, which has  been adapted into a theatre play. He works as the editor-in-chief of the online magazine Žurnal. His first novel, Seven Terrors, was published in 2010, and was immediately short-listed for one of the most prestigious literary awards in the region. The English edition of Seven Terrors made it’s way on to the shortlist for the Science Fiction and Fantasy Translation Award and in 2014 and was long-listed for the Dublin Impac Literary Award. Avdić’s new novel, A Drop of Joy, was published in Bosnian in 2018, with an English edition to follow shortly.