Call me Stratos


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By Chrysoula Georgoula

Translated from the Greek by Marianna Avouri

IBSN: 978-1-912545-520


After his dramatic divorce and at the age of forty-two, Stratos Achtidis returns to his family home to live with his mother and brother. Humiliated and feeling cut off from family and friends, he turns to drink and reminiscences of a over-glorified
past. Through the eyes of Stratos, the reader experiences the challenges and changes that have taken place in Greek society over the last quarter of a century; the problems of the ordinary working-class Greek people who have faced
existential challenges on a financial level, the arrival of a huge migrant population and the consequent changes in their way of life.

Georgoula has written a pitch-perfect portrayal of the male psyche, of a certain kind of Greek male, often with brutal authenticity. Call Me Stratos is not just a goodread, it is a vivid portrayal of some of the most important aspects of Greek society.